Saturday, 25 March 2017
Thursday, 23 March 2017
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Monday, 20 March 2017
New Release - The Night Gardener by E.D. Parr @parr_books #MMromance
The Night
#MMromance new
release from Evernight Publishing
Architect, Dane Lovell takes an off-season vacation in an old New England mansion, hoping to ease his broken heart, and spark his imagination. Impressed by the pretty gardens, he’s surprised by the sinister atmosphere of the river than winds through the estate. Dane settles down to his vacation and tries to immerse himself in his drawings. One night, the sound of the back door smashing open in the wind and rain shocks Dane from his work.
Spooky, gorgeous, and enigmatic Zachary Yarrow has brought logs for the fire. He’s the estate gardener and brings with him not just passion and a love affair for Dane, but a strange, spine-tingling mystery.
Who is Zachary, and what will happen when Dane finds out?
From the author
Read an excerpt
Dane folded his arms over his body, wishing he’d thought to close the door as chilling air swept along the hall and into the room. “Dane Lovell.”
Zachary stood, having completed his task. “You’re here off season. I guess you know. I always do the gardens off-season—have done for the last—well, for years. When I’m here, I usually stay in this cottage. I guess I need to find somewhere else this time.”
Cold, Dane accepted the information with a nod. “I need to close the door, Mr. Yarrow.” He returned to the back door and closed it up.
Zachary Yarrow had followed. “You can call me Zachary.”
Dane hung around near the back door. The gardener showed no signs of leaving and Dane didn’t know how to be rude enough just to ask him to go.
“It’s way too dark to garden. You’re wet through.” Dane’s gaze ranged over the sodden sweater Zachary wore, and along the rain-darkened jeans covering Zachary’s muscled thighs.
The guy has to be cold. “Can I offer you a cup of coffee?”
Zachary grinned happily. “A cup of coffee, yeah, that will be great, thanks.”
Dane led the way back into the kitchen. “Sit by one of the radiators and try to dry out a little.” He put water to boil and heaped instant into mugs. “I can lend you a dry sweater…”
Zachary leaned close to the radiator. “It’s okay. I’ll drape my sweater on here. It’ll be dry in no time.” He pulled the soggy item over his head and arranged it on the hot metal flutes.
Dane experienced a shock of attraction as he took in the smooth, muscled chest on display when Zachary turned to him.
“Look, it’s already steaming.”
Dane tore his gaze from Zachary’s body and glanced at the sweater. The kettle boiled and he whipped around to make the coffee, thankful for the diversion.
“Do you take sugar or cream?”
Zachary’s voice came from immediately behind him. “Black, thank you, no sugar.”
Dane closed his eyes to dissipate the surprise Zachary’s silent approach gave him. He edged around to face Zachary, who stood so close Dane’s composure flew clean away as his whole body reacted to the proximity of this complete hunk.
Holy hell, he is completely gorgeous. Dane stepped sideways and picked up a mug. He handed it to Zachary. “Coffee, er, sorry, its instant. I’ve given myself a vacation from grounds and filters.” He smiled apologetically.
Zachary studied him for a few seconds.
Dane had the distinct feeling Zachary knew exactly what he was thinking.
this book contains gay male anal sex, partner masturbation, and oral sex
On special
launch price at Evernight Publishing
Find E.D.Parr
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E.D. Parr,
Evernight Publishing,
mm romance,
new release,
The Night Gardener
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
New Release by Tory Richards!
Thomas is new to the rural area. He needed a change from the hectic big city, and the pressures of being on the swat team. A little peace and quiet to reflect on what he wants in life, and maybe find someone to share it with along the way. He never expected to find his perfect match in the form of one sexy little animal lover. From the moment they meet their attraction is hot & out of control!
Thomas shook his head to try to clear the sexual fog that he’d been in since meeting Julie. He opened the fridge, and reached for a beer. Then pulled the tab and took a long swig. The storm had stopped and he’d taken a quick shower before eating dinner. He’d turn in soon. He went to the window facing Julie’s house and peered out, noticing the lights were on in her bedroom. And the window was open.
He started to turn away, until she came into full view of the window. What was she doing? Thomas got his answer when she began to shimmy out of her shorts. He sucked in his breath when he caught a glimpse of her lacy G-string. Jesus! His body was encased with instant heat. When her hands went to the hem of her T-shirt he all but held his breath. In slow motion, Julie lifted her shirt, exposing inch by inch of satiny skin until her breasts were bare. Thomas almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of those perfect, mouth-watering globes.
Dropping her shirt to the floor, she then ran her hands up her ribcage in a smooth caress, closing her eyes when she cupped her breasts before massaging them. His heart stopped. He glanced up to find she was looking in his direction. F**k. Me. With a half-smile on her pretty face. She knew he was watching. He smiled back before reaching to turn off the lamp.
Two can play at this game, honey.
Only when he played he planned on having her at his mercy.
He started to turn away, until she came into full view of the window. What was she doing? Thomas got his answer when she began to shimmy out of her shorts. He sucked in his breath when he caught a glimpse of her lacy G-string. Jesus! His body was encased with instant heat. When her hands went to the hem of her T-shirt he all but held his breath. In slow motion, Julie lifted her shirt, exposing inch by inch of satiny skin until her breasts were bare. Thomas almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of those perfect, mouth-watering globes.
Dropping her shirt to the floor, she then ran her hands up her ribcage in a smooth caress, closing her eyes when she cupped her breasts before massaging them. His heart stopped. He glanced up to find she was looking in his direction. F**k. Me. With a half-smile on her pretty face. She knew he was watching. He smiled back before reaching to turn off the lamp.
Two can play at this game, honey.
Only when he played he planned on having her at his mercy.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Out Now—An Interesting Find by Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985) #menage #military #gay
Nathan and Lee are on a relaxing summer holiday in the UK.
They plan to do lots of walking and exploring in the beautiful English
countryside. Naturally, typical British weather derails their plans on their
first day, leaving them cooped up indoors with little to do but read.
When the weather clears, the men eagerly put on their hiking
boots and head out for a walk. However, when they reach their destination—a
pond a little distance from their holiday cottage—they make a shocking
discovery. An odd-looking bundle of rags turns out to be an unconscious man.
With no one else around, and no mobile phone signal to call for help, they
manage to get the stranger back to their cottage to get him warm and dry, and
figure out what to do next.
When their unexpected house guest regains consciousness,
however, things just get more complicated. The stranger—a British soldier
called Jonny—doesn’t want the authorities to be notified of his presence. As
the three men try to come to some agreement, the sexual tension in the air
becomes apparent, and suddenly the last thing on any of their minds is leaving
the cottage…
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Closing his book with a very final slap, Nathan then put it
on the coffee table in front of him. He leaned back in his chair. Stretching
languidly, he said, “Bloody good, that was. Though, admittedly, I thought it’d
last me all week. Wasn’t expecting to get through it on day one.”
Raising an eyebrow, Lee shot Nathan an amused glance. “Not
far off myself. Fucking storm. Stupid us, eh, going on holiday in the UK in
summertime—not like you can guarantee the sodding weather, is it? Should’ve
gone to the Canaries.”
“No, we can’t guarantee the weather, but…” Nathan gave the
window a sidelong glance, “I do have some good news.”
“Yeah. The torrential downpour has stopped.”
“Seriously?” Lee slammed his own book closed and scurried
over to the window. “Oh, wow, it’s cleared right up, and I can see a rainbow.
Wanna head out? Just a little wander down to that pond we saw on the way here,
maybe? Get some fresh air. We’ve got loads of daylight left, haven’t we?”
Nathan checked his watch. “Yeah, plenty. Especially if we’re
only nipping to the pond. It’s probably only a fifteen-minute walk.”
“Fantastic. I was going a bit fucking stir crazy in here.
I’ll grab our coats and shoes.”
Lee had disappeared into the hallway of their rented holiday
cottage before Nathan had the chance to reply. Shaking his head with a smile,
Nathan collected their empty mugs from the coffee table and took them into the
kitchen, then got a bottle of water from the fridge. He doubted they’d need a
drink during their short trek along the road, but he could just shove the
bottle in his coat pocket and forget about it. At least it’d be there if they wanted
When he returned to the living room, Lee was just about to
tie up his laces.
“I got water,” Nathan said, brandishing the bottle.
“Cool. Shoes are there.” He nodded to the chair Nathan had
been sitting in. Sure enough, his trail shoes were waiting on the floor in
front of it.
Within a few minutes, they were headed out of the door.
Nathan locked up, pocketed the key, then checked the handle. He doubted very
much the place would get broken into—they were in the middle of nowhere, after
all. There were farms nearby, but the closest village was about a mile and a
half away. So any thieves would have to make a considerable effort to get to
the cottage in the first place, never mind attempt to break into it. Rolling
his eyes at his own paranoia, he turned and followed Lee, who’d already started
walking slowly along the road in the direction of the pond.
After falling into step beside Lee, Nathan pulled in some
deep breaths, enjoying the fresh air after being cooped up in the cottage. It
was a beautiful and cozy place, but it was supposed to be a base for them to go
walking—somewhere for them to eat, sleep and shower, not to be stuck in for
hours on end, staring at the walls. Or climbing them.
He admired the rainbow as they walked, its vivid colors painted
across the watery sky. It seemed the clouds had literally exhausted
themselves—only occasional wispy streaks of white now interrupted the
never-ending blue. The sun beamed down, heating up the ground and beginning to
evaporate the huge puddles. It would take some doing—one such puddle stretched
across the width of the road, and they had to skirt around its edge to avoid
getting wet feet.
Nathan smiled. Though the storm itself had been grim, the
washed-out aftermath made everything feel fresh, clean somehow.
“You look thoughtful,” Lee said, breaking into his reverie.
“A penny for them?”
“Mmm. It’s one of those things that sounds better in your
head than said out loud.”
“Try me.”
Shrugging, Nathan replied. “Nothing major. Just admiring the
rainbow, the sky, the clouds… Thinking how everything looks so fresh and clean
after a good storm. Like it’s been purified, or something… Ugh, it’s stupid.”
Lee stopped and reached for Nathan’s hand. His green eyes
were wide and filled with wonder. “No, it isn’t. Not at all—I was thinking
something similar myself. It’s kinda romantic, isn’t it? Purification, rebirth,
and all that.”
“In a roundabout way, maybe. I dunno.” He shrugged again.
Lee’s eyes narrowed, and his lips curved into a wicked grin.
“We could make it romantic.”
“How so?”
“Come here, and I’ll show you.” Still gripping Nathan’s
hand, Lee tugged him close and moved in for a kiss. Nathan went into the
embrace willingly, the smile on his face soon smothered by Lee’s hot lips.
Author Bio:
Lucy Felthouse is the award-winning author of erotic romance
novels Stately Pleasures (named in
the top 5 of’s 100 Modern Erotic Classics That You’ve Never
Heard Of, and an Amazon bestseller), Eyes
Wide Open (winner of the Love Romances Café’s Best Ménage Book 2015 award,
and an Amazon bestseller) and The
Persecution of the Wolves. Including novels, short stories and novellas,
she has over 150 publications to her name. She owns Erotica For All, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more about
her writing at,
or on Twitter or Facebook. Sign up for
automatic updates on Amazon or BookBub. You can also
subscribe to her monthly newsletter at:
Friday, 10 March 2017
Sunday, 5 March 2017
Wild Surrender
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Pre-order available for this short erotic 3/15 re-release! New title, new cover, new lower price.
Thomas is new to the rural area. He needed a change from the hectic big city, and the pressures of being on the swat team. A little peace and quiet to reflect on what he wants in life, and maybe find someone to share it with along the way. He never expected to find his perfect match in the form of one sexy little animal lover. From the moment they meet their attraction is hot and out of control!
Thomas shook his head to try to clear the sexual fog that he’d been in since meeting Julie. He opened the fridge, and reached for a beer. Then pulled the tab and took a long swig. The storm had stopped and he’d taken a quick shower before eating dinner. He’d turn in soon. He went to the window facing Julie’s house and peered out, noticing the lights were on in her bedroom. And the window was open.
He started to turn away, until she came into full view of the window. What was she doing? Thomas got his answer when she began to shimmy out of her shorts. He sucked in his breath when he caught a glimpse of her lacy G-string. Jesus! His body was encased with instant heat. When her hands went to the hem of her T-shirt he all but held his breath. In slow motion, Julie lifted her shirt, exposing inch by inch of satiny skin until her breasts were bare. Thomas almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of those perfect, mouth-watering globes.
Dropping her shirt to the floor, she then ran her hands up her ribcage in a smooth caress, closing her eyes when she cupped her breasts before massaging them. His heart stopped. He glanced up to find she was looking in his direction. Fuck. Me. With a half-smile on her pretty face. She knew he was watching. He smiled back before reaching to turn off the lamp.
Two can play at this game, honey.
Only when he played he planned on having her at his mercy.
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
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Excerpt from Marnie's Tale by Erzabet Bishop
The vibrations rolling
under Marnie’s skin and between her thighs made it difficult to eat. Every time
she took a bite, Emerson ramped up the power. Her nipples had grown to hardened
points and her panties were becoming sodden with the evidence of her lust.
“I…” She began, but
shut her mouth as he held up a ranch laden sweet potato fry.
“Taste it. You’ll love
it.” His voice wrapped around her like a hot blanket of sin. He brushed the
ranch end against her lips and as she opened her mouth, he moved it out of her
reach. Emerson slid closer in the booth so their thighs were touching. He
leaned down, licking the ranch off with his tongue.
His mouth covered hers
hungrily and Marnie was lost. Fingers slid forcefully between her thighs over
her aching clit and he began to rub in time with a series of pulses from the
“Shit.” She hissed and
closed her eyes. Her body began to unwind as the friction of his hand led her
into unknown territory. How did you have an orgasm in a room filled with
“Language.” Emerson’s
hand trailed up the curve of her stomach to pinch her erect nipple.
Marnie screwed her eyes
shut and sucked in a harsh cry. His fingers blazed a trail of fire down her
belly and plucked at the waistband of her panties.
“I’m going to make you
scream my name, Marnie girl.” Emerson whispered against her hair. He drew her
mouth to his for a panty-soaking kiss. “Show me how wet you are. Slide a finger
into your panties.”
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