Monday 15 July 2024

New Audiobooks!

I'm thrilled to announce that after months of hard work the entire HOT ICE series is now available as audiobooks. You can listen to them on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. Each book has a different narrator and you'll get to enjoy cameos as you go along. Start with HIRED and finish with RUSSIAN HEAT but never fear....there is more HOT ICE on the this space.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Cover Reveal Coming!

KING...coming late fall 2024

King and Mia aren't strangers. Everyone knows everyone in the small town they live in, however, their age difference kept them from traveling in the same circle when they were younger. They had a distant attraction but were never able to pursue it because of their marital statuses.

This is the first time they are both single at the same time and that freedom lets them act on their insane attraction. It's instant. It's hot. And it changes everything.

 Sign up for my July newsletter to see the cover reveal for King. I'll stalk you once a month and you'll like it! 

Thursday 27 June 2024

Football Fever - by Lily Harlem


I wrote SCORED just before the 2012 Euros and it's still popular with readers, I guess a kinky team captain who really does know how to please is always going to be a hit! 


She's all about the story, he's all about the game. But which story will be told and how risky will the game get?

Okay, so I eat, sleep and breathe football and reporting the beautiful game is my dream career. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have time for a major crush on the England captain, Lewis Tate. The bloke is sex on legs, hot with a capital H. Add in his awe-inspiring talent, his brooding good looks and what’s not to drool over?

So my excitement is sky-high as I set off with the official press team to cover England’s battle for the European Cup. But when a series of unfortunate, or as it turns out fortunate events, attracts Tate’s attention my way, who am I to say no?

Add in a misogynistic manager, an over-zealous colleague, two blue silk ties and some incredible ball-handling skills and it becomes clear the road to victory, for me, will be an intensely romantic journey. Determined to savor every moment, I hang onto my sanity as best I can while living the fantasy and wondering if it can ever become reality. Because once Lewis Tate has taken me to heaven and back, its clear no one else will ever compare.


Monday 24 June 2024

DIRTY BIKERS now available as audiobooks!


That's right, the entire DIRTY BIKERS series can now be enjoyed as audiobooks. Narrated brilliantly by Hoover Lynn these bad boys on wheels will ride you off into the sunset!

* * * * *

The Devil’s Barbarians, a notorious one-percenter MC, have arrived in town. Debauchery, brawls, and cocky charm, oh yeah, it’s all going down.


Saturday 1 June 2024

Two Interracial Romance Novellas in One Book!

 Two interracial romance novellas in one book. They can still be purchased as single titles.

Wild Surrender
Thomas is new to the rural area. He needed a change from the hectic big city and the pressures of being on the swat team. A little peace and quiet to reflect on what he wants in life, and maybe find someone to share it with. He never expected to find his perfect match in the form of one sexy little animal lover. From the moment they meet their attraction is hot & out of control!

Big, Black and Beautiful
Shelly's brother is away fighting war and asks his best friend Tony to look out for her while he's gone. That means hands-off for them both. But Tony is walking sex, and Shelly's had her eyes on him for a long time.

Thursday 16 May 2024

FrolicMe - Free Short Stories

Are you in need of some short erotic stories? Look no further, head on over to the adult website FROLICME and you can read some of Lily Harlem's for FREE. It's a NSFW site though so be cautious.

Saturday 4 May 2024

New Audiobooks!


More to come! If you'd like to hear them for free send me a note at and I'll send you a free coupon. 

Thursday 25 April 2024



Fresh onto the Amazon shelves today is book one - LOVED BY THE LAST KNIGHT - in Lily Harlem's steamy new Habsburg romance trilogy HAWK CASTLE that's based on real characters from European history. 

Grab your copy (also on KU) and meet the ultimate knight in shining armor on 25th of April 2024!

Mary of Burgundy is at a crisis point. What she needs is a knight in shining armor to ride into town and sweep her off her feet. Could that really happen? Will she be so lucky?

The year is 1476 and for Mary, the new Duchess of Burgundy, the French are encroaching and the pressure to wed is mounting. Dukes, lords, earls, and even a king want her hand. All she must do is choose and her stars will align once more.

But who should it be? Who can fulfill her every need?

Tales of a handsome and brave knight in a land far away have filled the castle. She has never met him. He’ll have to travel from Vienna and then fight when he arrives.

Is Maximilian of Austria up for the job? Not only as an intelligent leader and skilled warrior, but also as her husband and, just as importantly, her one and only lover for all of time?

Maximilian of the House of Habsburg adores his life filled with jousting, hunting and pleasure seeking, so when his father, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III, insists upon a political marriage, Maximilian delays the dangerous and expensive journey to meet his new bride.

But when he sees Mary for the first time—immaculate and pure—he knows that to be without her would be the same as not being able to breathe. His heart beats for her, his every thought is with her, and his body… The cravings are intense, the lust real.

Will he scare her with his true passion and close her off to him forever? One thing he knows is he’ll have to summon self-control and wait for her to love him the way he loves her. It is only then their souls will truly be connected for all of time.

*Includes awesome bonus material—book club questions, playlists, and best of all, character interviews.

Sunday 14 April 2024